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Pork Fat Chunks

Pork Fat Chunks

32 oz.

What are pork fat chunks good for? 

You can use them to add moisture, flavor or fat to any dish or you can throw a few chunks into vegetables, potatoes or other meats to fry or sauté. 

If you are really feeling adventurous, save some money and make your own lard. 

Here's how you can achieve some amazing homemade pastured pork lard


Pork fat (leaf lard or fatback)


Large, heavy-bottomed pot or slow cooker
Strainer or cheesecloth
Mason jars or containers for storage


Slow Rendering:
Place the fat in a large pot or slow cooker over low heat. If using a stovetop, a heavy-bottomed pot will help prevent scorching. Allow the fat to melt slowly; this process can take a few hours. Stir occasionally to ensure even melting.

Strain the Liquid Fat:
As the fat melts, it will turn into liquid lard and leave behind cracklings (crispy bits of pork fat). Once the fat has completely liquefied and the cracklings have turned golden brown, remove the pot from heat.

Strain the liquid through a fine-mesh strainer or cheesecloth: Place the strainer over a heatproof container to catch the liquid lard while separating it from the cracklings. This step ensures you have a clear, pure lard.

Cooling and Storing:
Allow the strained lard to cool to room temperature before transferring it into clean, dry Mason jars or airtight containers for storage. It's important to seal the containers properly to prevent oxidation and extend the lard's shelf life.

Store the lard in the refrigerator or freezer. Properly stored lard can last for several months in the fridge and up to a year or more in the freezer.


Use a lower heat setting to avoid burning the fat and to yield a purer lard.
The quality of the pork fat matters. Look for fat that's fresh and without any off odors.
Strain the lard while it's still warm to make the process easier; once it cools down, it can solidify, making straining more difficult.
Homemade pork lard can elevate the flavors of various dishes, especially in baking or frying, giving a rich and delicious taste to your recipes!