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Chicken CSA

Chicken CSA


If you love clean pasture raised chicken and want consistent access to it, our “Chicken CSA” is for you.

Our chickens are raised in open air on our rotating pastures and given fresh daily access to non-GMO feed. We believe our methods of animal husbandry result in more flavorful and nutrient dense chicken. As always, our poultry are never fed genetically modified organisms. Every breed we raise spends two or three weeks in a brooder before acclimating them to their lives out on pasture. They spend the rest of their lives outdoors foraging our diverse pastures. 

At Slaughter Family Farm, We pride ourselves on being transparent about our animal husbandry practices and land stewardship. We are a small family farm that believes the regenerative pasture based model is a wiser and more compassionate method of farming.

Includes: 2 Whole Chickens totaling about 7-8lbs and 2-3 chicken cuts.

